Les Mis movie trailer released. The much anticipated Tom Hooper movie adaptation of Les Miserables starring Australian actors Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman has released its official trailer this week. Read more . . ....
Writing Wednesdays: The Hero’s Journey in Myth. “The hero’s journey” sounds a bit melodramatic, I admit. But hey, it’s real. If the phrase rings mythic, it’s because its origins (at least in expression) lie in myth. Read full article . ....
This article by Jeanette Veillette Bowerman, from Script Magazine, is too good not to re-post! Enjoy . . . Balls of Steel: Give to Receive | Script Magazine....
Writing Wednesdays: The Hero’s Journey, Part One. I netflixed The Power of Myth last week and watched it over a couple of nights. Have you ever seen it? It’s the PBS series that Bill Moyers did in 1988, interviewing Joseph Campbell....