Remember the glamour and wonder of old Hollywood? When the personal lives of the silver screen stars were a mystery and the glitz and glitter seemed a world away from our mundane lounge room existence. Now, we are treated to celebrities...
In February 2014, I had the pleasure and privilege of organising and enjoying LA-based screenwriting instructor Pilar Alessandra’s Screenwriting Intensive One Day Seminar – one event in Sydney and one in Melbourne. Pilar was kind enough to give some of her...
Their eyes lock across the crowded room. Inexplicably, they are drawn to each other by some invisible force, a magnetism that no wall of humans can inhibit. Entranced by each other’s company, the bond steadily grows, developing until it blossoms into...
Scriptcat has painstakingly collected over one hundred quotes on writing, screenwriting, filmmaking and the artist’s journey. Enjoy and share!
Fabulous news for Australian screenwriters – aspiring or professional: Pilar Alessandra will be teaching one day seminars in Sydney and Melbourne on 15 and 16 February, 2014. This is an exciting opportunity for writers to get up close and personal with...
Your Value as a Screenwriter: How Much Are You Worth? | My Blank Page. Successful screenwriter and producer Christine Conradt guest blogs for Scriptcat on the reality and the potential of life as a screenwriter. Invaluable advice....
John Cleese delivers some invaluable advice on living the creative life in his own inimitable style. Although this is a couple of decades old, the wisdom is timeless. Enjoy and be inspired. [youtube=]...
The drama may be called that part of theatrical art which lends itself most readily to intellectual discussion: what is left is theater. — Robertson Davies...